Mumbai : BJP Rajya Sabha MP Subramanian Swamy on Sunday tweeted terming the death of late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput murder. Swami took to his verified Twitter to take a dig at Bollywood, Mumbai Police and the Maharashtra government when he made the comment.
“Sushant Singh Rajput’s murder is Waterloo and Watergate for Bollywood, Mumbai Police and Maharashtra government. Fasten your seat belts as we are about to take off and bombard and won’t give up till either guilty are brought to justice or justice is brought to the guilty,” Swamy tweeted.
On Friday, the veteran politician had tweeted questioning the absence of the late actor’s servant Samuel and the arrival of two ambulances after Sushant’s death.
“Why were two ambulance? Who called them? If I don’t get truthful answers we may get a clue why SSR loyal servant Samuel is missing. Is he alive or dead? Was one ambulance intended for him?” he had tweeted.