Prime Minister Narendra Modi mourns the loss of Lata Mangeshkar and uses Twitter to put out his message. In the micro blogging platform, he said, “I consider it my honour that I have always received immense affection from Lata Didi. My interactions with her will remain unforgettable. I grieve with my fellow Indians on the passing away of Lata Didi. Spoke to her family and expressed condolences. Om Shanti.”
I consider it my honour that I have always received immense affection from Lata Didi. My interactions with her will remain unforgettable. I grieve with my fellow Indians on the passing away of Lata Didi. Spoke to her family and expressed condolences. Om Shanti.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) February 6, 2022
Lata Mangeshkar passed away at 92 after being Covid positive in a private hospital on Sunday.