Bhubaneswar : Chief Secretary Asit Tripathy today reviewed the progress of the implementation of District Level Business Reforms Action Plan (BRAP) aimed at improvement of the State’s position in the crucial Ease of Doing Business parameter.
The objective of the district level BRAP is to usher in district level and licensing reforms and there by improve the index of ease of doing business which in turn will enable faster future growth of the state economy. Under this plan, the state aims to eliminate the requirement of renewal of certificates/ approvals/ licenses obtained by businesses from the authorities at the state level.
The State is also planning to include additional services under Central Inspection Framework, which was in successful operations for more than three years. In the meeting, it was reviewed that several services of different departments are already made online and some services are under the process to be available in online mode.
The IPICOL is the nodal agency for coordinating with other departments for implementation of the district level BRAP and the team of officials of IPICOL led by its Managing Director Nitin Jawale are working hard to achieve the implementation of the plans with in the specified dates.