The Election Commission of India (ECI) is set to hold an unusual press conference today, a day before the vote counting for the Lok Sabha elections. This is a notable event, as it marks the first time the poll panel has convened a presser immediately following the conclusion of polling.Meanwhile, repolling is currently underway at one booth each in the Barasat and Mathurapur Lok Sabha constituencies in West Bengal. This decision was made based on recommendations from the returning officers, district election officers, and other observers involved, according to official sources.In other election news, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) achieved significant victories on Sunday, securing their third and second consecutive terms in Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim, respectively.Additionally, on June 2, a delegation of leaders from the INDIA opposition alliance met with the full bench of the Election Commission. They urged the Commission to ensure strict adherence to all guidelines on June 4, particularly emphasizing the importance of declaring postal ballot results before announcing the outcomes from Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs).This press conference by the ECI, combined with the ongoing repolling and the recent victories in Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim, highlights a critical moment in India’s electoral process. All eyes are now on the Election Commission to see how they will manage the final stages of this extensive electoral exercise.