*Naveen Patnaik Congratulates Narendra Modi and New Cabinet Members; Condemns J&K Terror Attack*Bhubaneswar: Biju Janata Dal (BJD) president and former Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik extended his congratulations to Narendra Modi for being sworn in as the Prime Minister of India for a record third consecutive term. In a message on his X handle (formerly Twitter), Patnaik wrote, “Congratulations to @NarendraModi Ji on being sworn in as the Prime Minister of India for the third consecutive term. Wishing you a successful tenure and best wishes to your team in fulfilling the aspirations of the people. May our beloved country reach new heights of development under your leadership.”Patnaik also congratulated Dharmendra Pradhan, Ashwini Vaishnaw, and Jual Oram for their appointments as Cabinet ministers in Modi’s government. He tweeted, “Congratulations to Members of Parliament from #Odisha Shri @dpradhanbjp, Shri @JualOram, and Shri @AshwiniVaishnaw on being sworn in as Ministers in the Union Cabinet. Wishing you great success in your respective Ministries for the nation and specifically for the people of #Odisha.”
Additionally, the BJD leader condemned the terrorist attack on pilgrims in Jammu and Kashmir’s Reasi district, stating, “Strongly condemn the horrific attack on pilgrims by terrorists in #JammuAndKashmir’s Reasi district. My thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved families. Wishing a speedy recovery to those injured in the incident,” he expressed on his X handle.